Termini e Condizioni


Tradesilvania SRL is a private limited company incorporated in Romania with company number 39400924 and registered office in Cluj-Napoca, str. Constantin Brancusi 176 Floor 3, Romania;

In order to use the services offered by TRADESILVANIA platform, each client should enter into an Intermediary Services Agreement concluded between TRADESILVANIA and each client.

Any reference to “Tradesilvania”, “Company Director”, “Service Provider”, “Us”, “Ours” or “We” made in the agreement are deemed to mean “Tradesilvania SRL” depending on the services provided and any reference to “You”, “Client”, “Customer” are deemed to mean the person with whom Tradesilvania concludes this Agreement.

Upon the Client’s request Tradesilvania SRL provides on behalf of and for the Client, intermediary and trading services on the client's account against a commission agreed by both parties, on the territory of Romania and in Romania, in compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. For instance, TRADESILVANIA SRL offers the following services: buys or sells virtual and digital assets, replenishment of accounts, conclusion of arrangements for storing virtual and digital assets, transfer of virtual and digital assets;

The website https://tradesilvania.com is operated by Tradesilvania S.R.L. incorporated in Romania with company number 39400924 and registered office in Cluj-Napoca, str. Constantin Brancusi 176 Floor 3, Romania.

By using the website (https://tradesilvania.com) you accept and agree upon the Terms and Conditions, Data Policy, AML / KYC (anti money-laundering/know your customer policies) and all laws and regulations in force. We provide you a simple and convenient method to exchange virtual assets using Tradesilvania platform.

Please, note that via our Website you can exchange only cryptocurrency.

When you register on the website we receive your agreement by which you state that:

  • You are a resident and citizen of the European Union and that you have a permanent identity card issued by your country of origin (PERMANENT ID CARD/ PASSPORT)
  • You agree with the Terms of use
  • You are at least 18 years old
  • You have full capacity of accepting these terms of use in order to perform digital currency transactions
  • You agree to transfer funds only in and from your accounts

These Terms of Use ("Terms", including "Privacy Policy", "Usage Policy" and "Cookie Policy") describe the ways in which you are allowed to use Tradesilvania and our rights and obligations to you as a Customer. They are included in the Annex to the Agreement entered with TRADESILVANIA.

In certain cases due to the legal provisions existing in your country, you will not be allowed to use our services. We do not take responsibility if, due to some reasons, you are not allowed to access the app.

If an error occurs in the Platform when buying, selling or withdrawal of digital or FIAT currencies and the value sent by Tradesilvania is higher than it should be, you are obliged to refund the extra value.

By initiating a transaction you agree to meet the following terms:

  • The digital currencies you sell do not originate from illicit or illegal activities
  • The sale of digital currency is not for a money laundering activity
  • The fiat money (RON, EURO), used to buy digital currency is not resulted from illicit or illegal activities
  • You are the owner of the account receiving the bank transfer ordered by you, or the dully representative of the account in accordance with the legal provisions.

In case it is found that you failed to comply with one of the aforesaid paragraphs, you are obliged to pay the prejudice caused and to suffer other possible legal consequences.

By using our services you certify that the funds uploaded on the platform (fiat or digital assets) are owned by you or you are authorized to make transactions using these funds.

Personal data processing

Tradesilvania SRL is registered as personal data operator with the ANSPDCP Public Register. Processing of customers' personal data is performed in compliance with the laws in force and it is available on the Data Policy page. In addition, we have received ISO-9001 (Quality Management System) certification and ISO-27001 (Information Security Management System) certification.


Please make sure you fully understand the risks involved and do not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. The digital currency market is extremely volatile and prone to rapid changes in prices. Transactions with these currencies are likely to be classified as a high risk operations, speculative operations that can rapidly lose their previously gained credibility. Thus, there may be changes made by us or repressive measures imposed by government. Additional risks that are not specified in the conditions and terms of use may occur.

Since the digital asset markets are decentralized and poorly regulated, the digital currency exchange is a non-regulated service, not governed by any specific European regulation. This means that there is no central bank that can issue more currencies or take corrective actions to protect the value of currencies in the event of a crisis. The cryptocurrency market is still relatively new and uncertain. The price or value of currencies can increase or decrease rapidly at any time and can even drop to 0. The risk of losing a digital asset while trading or owning it can be high and can lead to the loss of the entire value.

Before trading cryptocurrencies make sure you understand all the risks. You should use our service only if:

  • You have sufficient and relevant knowledge in trading on volatile markets;
  • You trade only with money/assets you can afford to lose;
  • you have a high risk tolerance;

The main risks involved in trading digital assets assumed by the Client when concluding this Agreement include but are not limited to:

  • volatile and fluctuating market, poorly regulated;
  • clients using the digital asset trading service lack the protection available to the clients using regulated investment services (such as Guarantee Funds);
  • product complexity and their dependence on information technology;
  • price volatility, exclusively influenced by supply and demand;
  • transaction fees and commissions;
  • limited possibility to use these products;
  • potential financial losses, depending on the trading strategies adopted by the Client;
  • vulnerability to cyber-attacks (data theft, fraud, disclosure of data connecting to the platform);
  • vulnerability to potential market manipulation;
  • the service provider cannot guarantee that the information related to third parties provided on the platform is correct, reliable, complete, in time, without interruptions and errors or in the correct order and the Client agrees upon using the information related to third parties and Tradesilvania platform at his/her own risk;
  • changes in the trading terms of the relevant foreign exchange market may occur;
  • failures or errors in any third party trading systems, software or services that are not provided by the Service Provider may occur;
  • obvious errors may occur in a specific quotation, insofar as the error could not have been prevented as a result of the intervention and ability of the Service Provider;
  • placing of a wrong order by the Client;
  • connection interruptions or communication failures may occur;
  • temporary technical difficulties or circumstances may occur, that result in impossibility of carrying out transactions on a certain market or of making quotes;
  • The service provider does not guarantee the performance or profitability of the Client's investments. The service provider will not be responsible for any loss of income or profits that may result from trading activity carried out by the Client on the trading platform;
  • In case the trading platform does not work, the Service Provider is not responsible for the unrealized profit of the Client or for any other claims regarding an order that the Client would have executed at a certain price, during the interruption of the service;
  • orders on the platform may be executed at different values, due to communication delays between the platform and other service providers of the platform or due to technical errors, which may lead to incorrect quotes on the platform;
  • in case a manifest error for a quote is found, the Service Provider has the right to cancel the order and the relevant consequences of that order (whether it is profit or loss for the Client), immediately after the detection of that manifest error. The service provider is not responsible for any loss suffered by the Client as a result of such cancellation;
  • it is not always possible to execute the Client's instructions regarding a desired price, in case of dynamic price changes. This situation occurs mainly during global crises, terrorist acts and other events that have a potentially strong effect on the market;
  • trading digital assets via the Internet is a high-tech service, and the Service Provider is not responsible for failures due to power outages, communication line failures, supplier’s equipment, shutdown of feeders and other failures linked to possible technological risks;
  • digital assets should be treated as extremely high risk assets, and it is not advisable to invest money that the Client cannot afford to lose;
  • failure to complete the transaction when the Client enters a wrong IBAN account;
  • in case the Client enters a wrong address or a wrong address and protocol regarding the digital assets deposit or withdrawal account, any transfer data, values, access codes or information on platform can be permanently lost, without the possibility of recovering the respective assets, in which case the Service Provider has no responsibility or obligation. In such case the Provider is entitled to claim money for the investigation activity, upon request, based on a price estimate. The investigation costs will be invoiced in advance, separate from any other activity existing on your transaction account.
  • “Stop Loss Buy/Sell” is a high risk service and the Provider does not guarantee that all orders will be made at the price entered, in such case the Provider has no responsibility or obligation. This is a beta app in which the values/rates entered by the Client are not guaranteed and can vary significantly until their execution.
  • Graphs of rate variation on the platform are for indicative purposes only and are agreed for a predetermined interval and displayed as average values for that interval.

The risks listed above are only for exemplification purposes, the occurrence of other risks is possible, therefore the Client should be very well informed about the characteristics of the service provided, before starting the trading activity.

Account suspension and termination

Tradesilvania reserves the right to cease providing its services hereunder to any user who breaches one of the obligations assumed in the Agreement. In exceptional cases, Tradesilvania reserves the right to cease providing its services at any time. In order to understand all cases in which such situations may occur, please read carefully the provisions of the Agreement concluded with TRADESILVANIA SRL.

Fulfillment of tax obligations by the Client

The Client is responsible for choosing the tax regime applicable to cryptocurrency transactions and for paying all taxes and fees due to the authorities.


The commission required for each service is available at: https://tradesilvania.com/ro/frequent-questions/ro-general/ce-comisioane-aplicati. These commissions are periodically updated on the site and are collected by the Supplier upon conversion.

In exceptional cases, in addition to the aforesaid commissions the Service Provider has the right to claim and collect a single commission for any other services provided at the users’ request, at the value set forth in the List of Fees and Commissions.

When closing an account, the money remained in the account will be reported as income of Tradesilvania if the remained amount of money is smaller than the withdrawal fee charged by Tradesilvania, in the bank account.

If you have chosen to create an account on the platform, you agree with the exchange rates of assets and with the commissions charged by Tradesilvania. These cannot be disputed by any customer.


You can have only one account on the Tradesilvania trading platform. We reserve the right to periodically ask you additional information in order to continue to use the Services. In case you convert fiat to digital currency or digital currency to fiat, Tradesilvania will make such requests as it deems necessary to validate your identity. In addition to the information normally required at registration, other information may be requested such as: photos with you, bank statement or proof of origin of the digital assets. Tradesilvania has the right to refuse activating an account when a risk is found during the registration process.

Password protection and information storage

You are the sole responsible for maintaining the security and control of all IDs, passwords, authentication keys or other codes you will use to access our services. Any loss/disclosure of the above mentioned information might restrict access to your account.

Verification and maintenance of your account protection and safety, the username, the password associated to the user name, the authentication keys or other codes fall under your responsibility.

You are responsible for maintaining adequate control and security of your password and under no circumstances will Tradesilvania be liable for any damage as a result of the use of this service.

You have the option to activate the 2FA (two steps verification) service when accessing your account. For your increased safety, please choose this service.

In case your access data to the platform are used by a third party with or without your consent, Losses incurred by you or caused to the Service Provider are attributable to you.

In case you lose the email access, Tradesilvania will require simultaneous identification: Identification, SMS, validation and 2FA activation in the account, before operating any changes in the account. In addition, if there are any amount in the account, Tradesilvania may require the withdrawal of all the amount from the account, before operating any changes of the email (digital or FIAT currency).

The right to suspend or delay a transaction or a settlement

We may refuse without any prior notice, to process any transaction or settlement and to limit or suspend the use of the services provided at any time, under the terms of the Agreement, expressly agreed upon by you when joining the platform. If we consider that a transaction is suspicious, fraudulent or that it involves misconduct or violate the laws in force or the terms and conditions we may suspend the transactions. In case of high market volatility, unforeseen economic situation or force majeure events, the transactions and settlements may incur delays. Tradesilvania is not responsible for the delays caused by settlements requiring interbank transfer.

Transaction limits

Tradesilvania may impose limits on the assets you can buy or sell. We reserve the right to change the amount of virtual assets you may buy or sell.

Funding with fiat money

Adding fiat money in the wallet can be made in compliance with the terms of the Agreement either by bank transfer or by payment using bank card. The waiting period for processing of the transfer of a bank deposit can last up to 3 days, excepting the non-compliant payments in which cases the period may last up to 15 days from the date of receipt of the payment proof from the Client. The amount deposited using a credit card will be added to the wallet in the app in no more than one business day.

Adding fiat money in the wallet can be made either by bank transfer from a bank account held by the user registered in the application or by a bank card held by the registered user. The service provider undertakes to update the amount from the customer's account within no more than 3 (three) business days from the receipt of the transferred amount into the Supplier's bank account, excepting the non-compliant payments in which cases the period may last up to 15 days from the date of receipt of the payment proof from the Client. .

The funds will be credited to the user account with details about the transaction ID, and the user can use the funds added in his/her account. Funding or withdrawal period of times may vary if the Client fails to send correct details to the FIAT currency service providers or to the digital service providers, and the Supplier cannot be held responsible for unintended delays.


  • Sepa (Bank transfer payment): 0%
  • VISA/Mastercard (credit card payment): 3% (* this commission may vary, and can be even 0 during an active promotion)

Fiat withdrawal

Tradesilvania can block a suspicious transaction or if a potential risk of information fraud is discovered or it is sufficiently documented in compliance with the Platform’s internal policies and procedures. We are not liable for the delays in bank transfers. A fiat withdrawal is made in compliance with the terms set forth in the Art.7, Paragraph 1, Letter a of the Agreement and can last up to 48 hours starting from the first banking day or more depending on the bank calendar or due to various reasons specific to the bank system. Fiat withdrawals are made only into the bank accounts held by the registered user on the Platform.


  • To a bank in Romania: 10 RON
  • To another bank in the EU (SEPA): 1 EURO

Digital currencies deposit

Confirmation of the transaction on the blockchain varies depending on the network congestion. Tradesilvania will not be held liable in the situations when the Client sends the digital assets to a wrong address.

Tradesilvania will not accept responsibility for a transfer that is not automatically credited to the client's wallet in the app for various reasons: the confirmation of the transfer is difficult to be made in the network, duplicate transfers, node errors, explorer errors, etc. The client undertakes to immediately notify Tradesilvania if the transfer has not been automatically credited to the wallet.

Transfer of digital assets

Transaction confirmation on blockchain varies depending on the network congestion. Tradesilvania will not be held liable in situations when the customer sends digital currency to a wrong address.

Cryptocurrency withdrawals are usually processed in less than 30 minutes. In exceptional cases the Service Providers undertakes to transfer the digital assets no later than 3 (three) business days from initiating the withdrawal order. This duration can vary depending on the network congestion and the transaction confirmation duration, which are independent of the Platform of the Service Provider. There is a waiting period in which the system decides from which address it will send the currency. Withdrawals are automatically executed by the system, although sometimes manual approval is required. This manual approval is required for certain transactions or randomly when reaching an established limit.

Tradesilvania may block a transaction if there are grounds for suspicion or the information are defrauded. In case of using a wrong wallet address to transfer cryptocurrency, the transferred amount will be lost.

Tradesilvania is not responsible for a transfer that does not reach its destination. Tradesilvania undertakes to send the transaction of digital assets on the blockchain network to the address communicated by the client. Tradesilvania is not responsible for any delay or loss incurred by the customer due to a delayed transaction, or in cases when the Client gives a wrong address, or when the service / platform / wallet to which the amount was sent did not credit the transferred amount.

Fiat withdrawal policy

The terms for withdrawing FIAT funds available in the IBAN account, are based on classic bank services and are performed in compliance with the conditions provided in Art. 7 of the Intermediary Agreement.

Anti Money Laundering Policy (AML)

It is the policy of Tradesilvania to prohibit and actively prevent money laundering or any other activity that facilitates money laundering or the funding of terrorist or criminal activities. We will comply with all applicable requirements and regulations.

Upon the Service Provider’s request, the professional clients (legal and natural persons) are committed to agree upon and to apply the Anti Bribery & Corruption Policy of the Service Provider and to check the minimum transaction limits on the Platform, FIAT or Digital at: “https://tradesilvania.com/ro/frequent-questions/ro-cumparare-si-vanzare-monede-digitale/limite-tranzactionare-cryptomonede

Card payment

If you have added money in your wallet using the card payment and this transaction is pending at our payment processor, Tradesilvania may temporary suspend the fiat or digital assets withdrawal until this card payment is completed. You can buy virtual currency with any credit / debit card you have, as long as it is a 3D Secure Visa or 3DSecure MasterCard.

Tradesilvania neither collect nor store your credit/debit card information. In order to make payments, the cardholder name must match the name as it appears on your Tradesilvania account. The use of cards held by third parties is strictly prohibited.

The amount deposited using a credit card is added into the wallet on the app.

Service - Delivery policy

Use of the Services is subject to our KYC (Know your customer) process, depends on its completion and according to the Act 129/2019 we can save data on our systems for future use and verification.

The minimum value of an order for cryptocurrency trading can be found on the FAQ section.

How to purchase digital assets

After opening an account on the TRADESILVANIA platform, you can purchase digital assets, in exchange for RON, EUR. After the payment in FIAT currency is received by Tradesilvania, subject to the Terms and Conditions, we will deliver the virtual assets after you place an order in the virtual wallet on the platform.

How to sale digital assets

after opening an account and a digital wallet with us, you can sell virtual assets in exchange for FIAT. After the delivery of digital assets is received by Tradesilvania, subject to the Terms and Conditions, we will send you the FIAT currency after you place an order in your designated bank account provided to us.

We reserve the right to refuse the processing or cancellation or reversal of any purchase of virtual assets or sale of digital assets, under the terms of the Agreement entered between parties.

We may suspend, change, remove or make addition to “the Service – Delivery Policy” at any time.


By placing a transaction you agree upon all trading terms and conditions on the Tradesilvania platform. Once you placed a market order, you do not have the right to withdraw from a digital asset purchase or sale transaction. Tradesilvania is not responsible if you place a limit type order at a certain price that is below the market value.

The exchange rate is beyond our control and we are not responsible for your losses as a result of virtual assets trading. The price or value of the digital assets can increase or decrease rapidly at any time. It may even drop to zero. Unlike fiat money, no bank or government can stabilize the value of digital assets if it changes suddenly.

TRADESILVANIA may, at its sole discretion, to establish the value of the instruments and products that can be traded on the platform, in compliance with the legal provisions. This means that our prices will differ from the prices established by other platforms or trading services. Tradesilvania can establish the price based on any rule and the client is free to choose whether or not to trade.

Complaint Handling Policy

Tradesilvania considers the complaints as feedback received from customers, authorities, the business environment and resolves them, both in order to increase the satisfaction of stakeholders and to identify ways to improve the company's activity.

The way complaints are dealt with is set out in internal documentation, approved by the General Manager and the Deputy General Manager. Complaints may be submitted:

  • By email to: [email protected];
  • Directly at the organization's head office, through postal or courier service, at company's headquarters: Tradesilvania S.R.L., str. Constantin Brâncuși, nr. 176, etaj 3, Cluj-Napoca, 400462, Romania.

Requirements for documenting the complaint

In order to be considered and processed as required, any complaint must contain the following information:

  • Identification data of the customer natural person: surname, first name, address, phone, email;
  • Identification data of the customer legal entity: name, identification code, surname, first name of the manager or legal representative, address, phone, email;
  • Mention of the word "complaint" in the referral;
  • Description of grievance / description of the negative effect;
  • Possible proposals for settlement;
  • Signature of the complainant (in case of natural persons) or of the legal representative (in case of legal entities);
  • Documents and records submitted to support and substantiate the complaint (as the case may be).

The handling of complaints is based on the following principles:

  • Complaints shall be recorded promptly.
  • Anonymous complaints or complaints which do not contain all the information requested shall not be taken into account.
  • The person designated to handle the complaint is competent and impartial to the situation under consideration.
  • If the person in charge of handling the complaint finds that the information submitted by the complainant is not complete, he/she shall ask the complainant in writing for the necessary clarifications or additions.
  • Unless otherwise set forth in the Brokerage Service Agreement, the customer is bound to respond to any request from the Service Provider within a maximum of 5 days of the request for additional information.
  • Decisions reached following the handling of the complaint shall be notified to the complainant in writing as soon as possible.
  • As a rule, the time limit for handling the complaint is of maximum 30 days from the date of registration of the complaint.
  • Tradesilvania does not record verbal complaints, i.e. the complainant will not receive a written reply.
  • For any grievance regarding the handling of the complaint, the complainant may address:
  • Throughout the handling of a complaint, from registration to archiving, confidentiality is ensured within the limits set by Tradesilvania's documents

Customer responsibility

  • Any grievance or complaint to Tradesilvania shall be submitted immediately after the complaining situation has been reported.
  • The customer must notify the Brokering Services Provider of any changes in the data he/she has provided upon registration on the platform, including contact details.
  • Contact details on the platform can be updated at any time.
  • It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the contact details are up to date.
  • It is the customer's responsibility to check, on a regular basis, the electronic mail and information within the Tradesilvania platform to ensure the visualization of any notifications or communications sent by Tradesilvania.
  • The customer declares that he/she agrees not to make these complaints public (on social networks, media or in any other way) subject to bearing the damage caused for the image damage to the owner of the website and the company by these actions.
  • The customer undertakes not to post untrue negative reviews in relation to the service provider under penalty of paying damages

Questions and Suggestions

Dear customers, your loyalty is very important to us, that is why we are ready to answer any question regarding: access, use, registration on the official website of Tradesilvania, use of the trading platform, making transactions with digital currencies, etc. Moreover, your suggestions are the most valuable information for us and help us to be better! Your questions and suggestions can be sent to:

  • email: [email protected];
  • via the "HELP" button on the official page of Tradesilvania and on the trading platform;
  • phone (between 9.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m.): (+4) 031 631 3186.

Any questions and suggestions will be reviewed and resolved as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy

The confidentiality of your personal data is one of Tradesilvania's main concerns.

The information obtained in the communication process between the customer and Tradesilvania's team or representative is confidential, whether it takes place on the chat within the application, email or other communication channels.

Tradesilvania will keep the information documented in accordance with Art. 21 of Law 129/2019" on preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing, as well as on amending and supplementing some legislation"

Tradesilvania's customer is not entitled to disclose or transmit to third parties, any message/sentence/fragment of the messages, documents obtained in the conversations, in the process of collaboration with Tradesilvania, without the written consent of Tradesilvania,

It is mandatory to guarantee the confidentiality of the information obtained in the process of collaboration, according to the Brokering Agreement, both before establishing a business relationship with Tradesilvania and after the termination of the business relationship.

By using this official page of Tradesilvania, you agree to the practices described in the "Privacy Policy", available at https://tradesilvania.com/ro/privacy.

If you do not agree with the "Privacy Policy", please do not use this official page https://tradesilvania.com/ro/.

We reserve the right to make changes to the "Privacy Policy" whenever necessary. Any changes made will be published on the official website https://tradesilvania.com/ro/privacy.

Cookies policy:

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience, to provide you with personalized advertising or content, and to analyze our traffic. By clicking "Accept" the first time you access the Tradesilvania website, you agree to the use of cookies.

When you use the Tradesilvania services, we may use cookies, flash cookies, pixel tags or other tools (currently “cookies”) on your computer or on other devices when using the Tradesivania platform.

We use cookies that (i) help us recognize you as a customer, collect information about your use of our products and services, better personalize our services and content for you, and collect information about your computer you or other access devices to ensure compliance with our KYC/AML obligations.

To see what types of cookies we use on the platform, please access this link.

User communications and information

Tradesilvania may send notifications and commercial communications related to the trading platform and this platform whenever necessary to inform clients and visitors about the platform activity, changes in the platform, new features and functionalities or general changes of conditions. These communications apply both to Tradesilvania customers and to users who have not completed the registration process.

Tradesilvania is not responsible for losses caused by market volatility, forks/ blockchain maintenance or market conditions.

Cryptocurrency transactions carry significant risks. You should carefully consider whether or not it is appropriate for you to buy cryptocurrency.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us by email [email protected] or using the chat.

All rights are reserved, according to Law no. 18/1996 on copyright. The entire content of the site, regardless of its nature (text, images, graphics, software and other similar elements), is the property of TRADESILVANIA SRL. The content of the site may not be reproduced, modified, transferred, distributed, republished, copied or transmitted in any other form without the written permission of TRADESILVANIA SRL.

Thank you for using the services of TRADESILVANIA SRL by using TRADESILVANIA platform.