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What do the data on the graph represent?

The data on the graph is strictly informative and does not represent the trading price at a certain time (T). The charts are used to understand the market's evolution and direction.

The frequency of updating the data on the graph on a certain interval differs from the frequency of updating the trading price, which is in real time. The data on the graph is aggregated on a certain interval and the median is calculated for that interval.

For example, let's assume an interval that contains the following data that is included in the calculation (depending on the established frequency): T1 (10), T2 (15), T3 (8), T4 (11) respectively T5 (8). For this interval, the median of this interval will appear on the graph, namely: 10.4. This value does not represent either the minimum price or the maximum price on the interval but the median value.

Also, neither the frequency of updating the minimum and maximum value for each pair is updated with the trading price frequency.

Trading prices are in real-time and differ from second to second or even millisecond to millisecond

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