Preguntas frecuentes

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How long does a digital coin deposit take?

For security reasons, a certain number of confirmations is needed on the blockchain network for an amount sent to your account in the Tradesilvania application to be credited. Depending on the coin, the number of confirmations differs.

The time can vary depending on how busy the blockchain network is and the fee set for the blockchain network. This time does not depend on Tradesilvania.
The deposit time for most coins is instantaneous, some coins have a transfer time between 5-20 minutes, and some can take up to 150 minutes.

If you made a deposit and it has taken longer than the estimated time/number of confirmations on the network is higher than the one stated in the application and the amount has not been credited to the wallet in the application, you can contact us by email ([email protected]) or on the chat in the application.

Todavía tienes preguntas para las que no encontraste la respuesta?

Escríbenos a [email protected]