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How do I transfer/withdraw to my bank account?

After you have made a sale, the resulting amount can be transferred to your bank account.

Before you make a withdrawal to your bank account, make sure that you have an active bank account in the application. If you do not have an active bank account in the application, read the section "How do I add a bank account?"

You can only transfer fiat to the bank account activated in the application per wallet/currency. For example, if you have an active RON bank account at the RON wallet, you can only transfer RON to that account, you cannot transfer EURO.The same goes for the EURO bank account, you can only withdraw from the EURO Wallet. RON cannot be transferred to the EURO account or vice versa.

It is your responsibility as a customer to ensure that the sale is made with the fiat parity for which you activated the IBAN account.

  1. To do this, go to the Portfolio section (from the top menu)

2. Select RON or EURO

3. Click on the Withdraw button

4. Enter the amount, select your bank account and press the Withdraw button.

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