Preguntas frecuentes

Eres nuevo en Tradesilvania y tienes preguntas? Echa un vistazo a las respuestas de abajo.

The FIAT transfer has not been credited

If 3 business days have passed and your FIAT transfer has not been credited to your wallet in the application, please send us an email (email must be sent from the address the account was created with) at [email protected] with the following information:

  • the date and time the payment was made
  • proof of bank transfer (PDF copy of payment order)

Before sending this email, please make sure that your bank has sent the payment. This can be verified from your internet banking account with your bank.

If you made a SWIFT transfer to our EURO (SEPA) account or to a non-Tradesilvania bank account, the transfer will be returned to your bank account (depending on your bank, this can take from 1 banking day to 5 banking days).

Todavía tienes preguntas para las que no encontraste la respuesta?

Escríbenos a [email protected]