Transfer cryptocurrency on e-mail safe and quick

Tradesilvania offers the possibility of sending and receiving cryptocurrencies on e-mail easy, safe and quick

How does it work?

Log in in your Tradesilvania account
Access the wallet section

and choose the coin that you want to transfer, select the "Transfer" option, then click on the "e-mail address" tab

Introduce the amount of money/ The money ??

Introduce the amount of money for transfer. It can be Bitcoin(BTC) or another cryptocurrency

Introduce the e-mail address of the recipient

Introduce the e-mail address of the person to whom you want to transfer the cryptocurrency

Click the "Transfer" button

The recipient will receive an e-mal with instructions on how to access the money sent to him/her. Easy, fast and no commission!

How much does the e-mail cypto transfer cost?/ How much is the e-mail crypto transfer?

The transfer cost are amongst the lowest and the major advantage is the recipient being able to access the money in the shortest time, anytime (24/7)

Transfer crypto right now!
Transfer BTC via email

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