How do I buy Numeraire (NMR)?

Where can I buy Numeraire?

Welcome to the buy page for Numeraire with EUR or NMR with EUR that answers your most frequently asked questions and crypto guide about How do I buy Numeraire?

How To guide on How do I buy Numeraire(NMR)

Follow the steps below to buy Numeraire instantly from your account.

The Tradesilvania platform offers you the easiest way to buy and sell Numeraire directly from your account. For the amount of Numeraire you buy we offer you a free Numeraire wallet where you can store all the Numeraire you have safely. We provide you with a live price chart for Numeraire in your account so you can make informed Numeraire purchase transactions.Check Numeraire price and use 'Buy Numeraire' button to start trading safely.

Analyze Numeraire price and buy NMR at current price

Before buying Numeraire analyze the NMR price in real time in the account and choose the best time to invest in cryptocurrencies. Check Numeraire price chart, Numeraire market information, Numeraire news and invest at the right time to create a balanced crypto portfolio.

Numeraire price (NMR) today is 1 NMR = 10.63 EUR. Numeraire had a trading volume in the last 24 hours of 8319523.53 EUR. The Numeraire price evolution in the last 24 hours was -0.42% and it has a current market capitalization of 84804350.79 EUR. NMR price in EUR is updated in real time in the Tradesilvania account

How can I buy Numeraire with EUR ?

1. Create a free Tradesilvania account

In order to buy Numeraire on the Tradesilvania Platform it is necessary or you have a free user account that you can quickly create on the page of Create Account. All customer accounts are free and it takes only a few moments to create your crypto trading account.

2. Complete customer account verification

In order to buy Numeraire or other coins from the Tradesylvania platform you must go through an account verification process required by current legal regulations. In order to confirm your identity (and to trade safely) it is necessary to verify your account with a national ID or passport.

3. Buy Numeraire(NMR) instant

At this moment you can buy Numeraire unlimited with EUR. Create the crypto portfolio with Numeraire and buy other cryptocurrencies from the Tradesilvania platform!

How do I sell Numeraire with EUR ?

To sell Numeraire or other cryptocurrency from the platform the process is simple and fast

1. Create a free account Tradesilvania

2. Complete the Tradesilvania customer account verification to be able to trade and buy safely

3. Sell Numeraire with EUR

To sell Numeraire access the Trading page and select Numeraire, the Sell button. Choose the amount of Numeraire you want to sell and press the Sell NMR button. After accepting the transaction price, the amount of FIAT EUR is allocated to your account.

4. Withdraw EUR to EUR bank account

To make a withdrawal from the EUR wallet, you must select the IBAN bank account in which the respective amount will be deposited.

What payment methods to buy Numeraire with EUR (NMR/EUR) are available?

1. Buy Numeraire by bank transfer SEPA IBAN EUR with fast topup ( almost instant).

Account topup is completed in a few minutes to a few hours

2. Buy Numeraire with RON cash or EUR instantly

Top up the user account with RON Cash to buy Numeraire instantly at SelfPay payment machines, StartPay payment machines or at one-two payment points (in total there are over 22,000 Cash top-up locations)

3. Buy Numeraire with Visa /MC card (instant top up)

When paying with a Visa or MC card, the account is topped up instantly and you can buy Numeraire immediately

3. Buy Numeraire with Skrill or Neteller account

You can buy Numeraire instantly by funding your account with a Skrill or Neteller account if you have an account.

How do I store Numeraire (NMR) bought from the Tradesilvania Platform?

After you have bought Numeraire on the platform, Numeraire cryptocurrencies are automatically transferred to the free Numeraire wallet offered by the platform. The transfer of Numeraire to the wallet is free of charge. The Numeraire wallet is a unique Numeraire address assigned to your account where you can withdraw or transfer any amount of Numeraire you have.

Start buying Numeraire Today

After you know all the safe ways to buy Numeraire on Tradesilvania, all you have to do is make your first purchase of Numeraire

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