Cardano price (ADA price live) - Cardano price today

0.698 EUR (3.85% )
The displayed price is informative and does not represent the trading price.

Rank 9

Market cap

24.81B EUR

Circulating Supply

35.19B ADA

Max Supply

45.00B ADA

Cardano price graph for the last 24 hours show the price Cardano crypto token variation (ADA) on global spot market. Buy Cardano in your user account instantly with EUR at the best exchange rate.

Cardano price evolution (ADA) - 1 month

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Real time information about Cardano Price

Cardano price (ADA) today growth with -3.85% and exchange rate 1 ADA = 0.698 EUR. Cardano trading volume in the last 24 hours of 865.14M EUR. Cardano price variation in the last 24 hours was -3.85% and Cardano total market capitalization is 24.81B EUR. ADA price in EUR is updated in real time in Tradesilvania account.

ADA price history

Cardano price history table ( today , 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days ) with percent (%) growth ADA.

Cardano priceADA exchange rateADA volume
Today0.9414 EUR2.42B
1 day0.88 EUR1.70B
7 days1.0092 EUR1.39B
30 days0.6952 EUR831.23M

One of the most popular blockchain projects, Cardano allows holders of the native cryptocurrency ADA to contribute to the operation of the blockchain network and vote on changes to the Cardano blockchain technology. Cardano also promotes the development of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) in the Cardano network with numerous applicability.

The Cardano blockchain network is divided into two elements:

  • Cardano Settlement Layer - is used to transfer ADA cryptocurrency between accounts and to record transactions.
  • Cardano Computation Layer - is used to programmatically move funds through smart contracts.

Computers running Cardano software can join the blockchain network as one of three types of Cardano nodes:

  • mCore nodes – used for staking with ADA and for developing the blockchain platform
  • Relay nodes – used to transmit information between mCore nodes and the public internet
  • Edge nodes – used to complete crypto transactions.

Ouroboros is the Cardano proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm used by computers running the Cardano blockchain. The PoS algorithm secures the network, validates transactions and makes the ADA staking process possible. Staking is a process that allows users to generate passive income by locking the ADA cryptocurrency in the Cardano network. In addition, this helps stabilize and develop the Cardano blockchain network.

Cardano Applications (ADA)

Combating shipments of counterfeit goods

The transparency of the Cardano network can be used to verify the manufacturing status of a product and to oversee supply chains from origin to finished products.

Streamlining the collection and securing of sensitive information

Cardano's blockchain technology can be used to streamline the methods of retrieving and processing data from a multitude of sources, which helps with the security and verification measures implemented in the case of sensitive data.

Modernization of education systems at the global level

Cardano is collaborating with the Ethiopian government to develop a system based on the Cardano blockchain technology that tracks student performance in local schools. According to the Ethiopian authorities, Cardano (ADA) wants to provide schools with identity cards based on blockchain technology, which allows the tracking of academic performance in a fast, transparent and efficient way.

Cardano Price (ADA)

In the investment process, the rigorous evaluation of risks and profit possibilities is essential for cryptocurrencies. Cardano (ADA), a cryptocurrency with a growing demand, offers investors the chance to maximize their profit through well-calculated investments and by capitalizing on ADA price fluctuations. Investors can buy ADA at an advantageous price through trading platforms like Tradesilvania and then sell it at an opportune time to maximize their earnings by investing in ADA.

What determines Cardano (ADA) price fluctuations?

ADA price fluctuations are influenced by a number of factors:

Demand and supply of ADA - Cardano cryptocurrency

When the demand is high or increasing, the price of the asset, in this case ADA, will increase. Conversely, if the demand is low, the price of Cardano will decrease. The demand for ADA cryptocurrencies is influenced by various factors including: popularity and attention to the currency, the technical evolution of the project as well as its utility, the state of the global economy and financial regulations.

The digital currency Cardano (ADA) was designed so that there is a limited number of units in circulation. This mechanism can generate a constant increase in the price of the ADA cryptocurrency because it means that the supply of the cryptocurrency is limited.

Popularity and media attention for Cardano cryptocurrency

The popularity of the Cardano cryptocurrency is a major factor influencing the price of the ADA token and, in the crypto market, this fact is closely related to   the ADA Community . The group of active investors who believe in the utility of the project and its evolution, those who are constantly part of the dialogue formed around cryptocurrency. This group, as well as its characteristics (size, intensity, representativeness in project decisions) can significantly influence the perception of the average consumer on the crypto project.

Additionally, the simple curiosity of investors towards cryptocurrencies leads to high investments, which affects the price of ADA in the market. At the same time, the price is influenced positively or negatively by announcements from the state authorities, events in the market or at the level of the network.

In general, the FOMO (fear of missing out) phenomenon can be created around the markets, which applied in the investment area, is represented by investors' fear of missing the moment of entering the market. To avoid the FOMO effect on your investment decisions, we recommend that you actively inform yourself and understand the real factors that can dictate the price of the Cardano cryptocurrency .

The economy and ecosystem of ADA

The economic risks of the states are another aspect that can lead to an increase in the price of Cardano. Especially in countries with high inflation, the population is turning its attention to new methods of protecting money, a fact that can influence the value of cryptocurrencies, including the value of ADA.

Advantages of the Cardano (ADA) cryptocurrency

Cardano sustainability

Cardano is one of the greenest blockchain systems. The founders of the Cardano project claimed that the blockchain developed by them is 1 million times more energy efficient than Bitcoin (BTC).

Cardano scalability

Cardano processes transactions much faster than Bitcoin. Cardano can process more than 250 transactions per second, compared to about 4.6 transactions per second for the Bitcoin blockchain. This makes the Cardano network very scalable. At the same time, the developers of the ADA network believe that the number of transactions / second can be improved in the future.

Cardano academic credibility

The Cardano team works closely with external academics to generate globally peer-reviewed research on blockchain development. Being a project born in the academic sphere, the closeness and maintenance in connection with it, ensures the continuous development of the credibility of the Cardano project and outside the blockchain space.

Cardano (ADA) cryptocurrency history

The Cardano blockchain was developed by Jeremy Wood and Charles Hoskinson (co-founder of Ethereum). Cardano (ADA) is supported by three independent entities:

  • The Cardano Foundation - the non-profit organization is based in Switzerland and is responsible for overseeing the development of the Cardano blockchain technology.
  • IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) – organization founded by Hoskinson and Wood, which developed Cardano and the algorithm behind the network.
  • Emurgo – organization that deals with encouraging the adoption of Cardano globally.

At the time of launch, in 2017, approximately 31 billion ADA were generated, of which approximately 26 billion were sold to investors through a Japanese company engaged to manage the sale. The rest of the ADA units were distributed to the three entities mentioned above.

Unlike other blockchain projects, Cardano emphasizes an approach based on design research and an academic rigor that will help in the adoption of blockchain technology. The Cardano cryptocurrency offers efficient optimizations based on scientific research and algorithmic checks. Cardano is mainly used to facilitate transactions with the native cryptocurrency ADA and to allow developers to generate complex decentralized applications (dApps).

Cardano (ADA) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What blockchain does the ADA cryptocurrency use?

Cardano Blockchain with the Ouroboros consensus protocol, a native blockchain technology

How do I mine ADA cryptocurrency?

It is not mined in the traditional way. But it can be generated by staking/crypto saving.

What is the limit of units in the case of the ADA cryptocurrency?

The maximum supply of ADA units is limited to 45 billion.
What is the highest Cardano price in EUR?

The highest Cardano (ADA) price was recorded at 2.4 EUR.

How can I buy Cardano at the best price?

Fast and efficient, even directly with RON, through the platform at the live Cardano price displayed in the Tradesilvania user account 24/7.

What is the price of Cardano today?

The Cardano price varies several times per second in the platform and the instant price is available in the user account. Daily purchase limit (Order type Limit ADA is 1,000,000 EUR / transaction).

How do I buy Cardano (ADA)?

You can buy Cardano (ADA) through multiple Tradesilvania order types using Lei, Euro or USDT.

  1. Create an account on the Tradesilvania platform simply in a few minutes

The first step to use the platform is to create an account. After confirming the account, you must go through an activation process.

2. Deposit in RON or EURO

You can deposit RON or EURO in your digital wallet by Paying with Visa/Mastercard Card, Bank Transfer or cash at the SelfPay or Un-doui Payment Center points.

3. Buy Cardano (ADA)

To buy Cardano, you must access the Trading section of the Tradesilvania Platform.

After you place an order, in most cases it is completed instantly.

Note: The price of Cardano (ADA) varies over time.

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Buy ADA today

What is the price of Cardano?

Buy 1 Cardano for a price of 0.698 EUR for today exchange rate of ADA - EUR only on Tradesilvania platform.

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ADA price last update: 02/07/2025, 12:43

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How to buy ADA

Our platform allows you to fund your account with EUR and RON instantly and with low costs. Use the IBAN transfer for a top-up with 0% commission.

  • ADA - RON - IBAN Bank Transfer
  • ADA - EUR - IBAN transfer (0%)
  • ADA - Visa - Instant EUR
  • ADA - Mastercard - Instant EUR
  • ADA - RON Self Pay Instant Top Up
  • ADA - RON un-doi - Instant Top Up
  • ADA - RON Qiwi (Start Pay) - Instant Top Up
  • ADA - EUR Skrill - Instant Top Up
  • ADA - EUR Neteller - Instant Top Up

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