MultiversX (Elrond) price (EGLD price live) - MultiversX (Elrond) price today
Rank 107
Market cap
499.89M EUR
Circulating Supply
28.02M EGLD
Max Supply
28.06M EGLD
MultiversX (Elrond) price evolution (EGLD) - 1 month
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Real time information about MultiversX (Elrond) Price
EGLD price history
MultiversX (Elrond) price history table ( today , 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days ) with percent (%) growth EGLD.
MultiversX (Elrond) price | EGLD exchange rate | EGLD volume |
Today | 27.08 EUR | 31.49M |
1 day | 26.94 EUR | 21.56M |
7 days | 21.27 EUR | 77.87M |
30 days | 20.12 EUR | 30.44M |
MultiversX is a Romanian blockchain project developed to solve the problem of scalability in the crypto world. The MultiversX platform is based on smart contracts, being one of the most ambitious blockchain projects that aim to compete with Ethereum (ETH) technology.
MultiversX (EGLD) cryptocurrency history
The MultiversX blockchain platform was launched under the name Elrond in 2017 by a team from Sibiu. After a series of financings in 2019, the EGLD cryptocurrency was issued in 2020. The project aims to create a scalable platform for decentralized applications and to be an important presence in the crypto transaction space.
At the same time, the EGLD cryptocurrency is designed to offer more security and privacy to users. This aspect, together with the functioning of the blockchain network, has determined the increase in interest in the EGLD cryptocurrency.
In November 2022, during an event held in Paris (X Day Paris), the Elrond Network team announced that it was going through a rebranding process, the Elrond cryptocurrency thus becoming the MultiversX cryptocurrency, a platform dedicated to specialized solutions on the Metaverse ecosystem .
In this rebranding process, the following changes took place:
- Maiar Exchange became xExchange ;
- Maiar App is replaced by a new application, xPortal ;
- Maiar Launchpad became xLaunchpad ;
- Ad Astra Portal became MultiversX Bridges;
- Elrond Web Wallet became MultiversX Wallet;
- Elrond Explorer changed its name to MultiversX Explorer;
- Inspire Art became xSpotlight .
- The solutions of the companies that are already part of the MultiversX, Utrust and TwisPay group generate a new product for the company, namely xMoney ;
In addition, 2 new applications were added to the ecosystem, namely XFabric and XWorlds .
xFabric MultiversX is an independent blockchain network that allows the rapid development of NFT applications and functionalities for companies, brands or artists, while xWorlds MultiversX is an application for creating digital universes (Metaverse), which allows a new level of communication and interoperability within of the MultiversX network.
Cryptocurrency applications MultiversX (EGLD)
MultiversX (EGLD) is a token used in multiple ways, mostly related to the area of Web3, Defi, NFT technologies, respectively with the financial area and more recently Metaverse.
Considering the degree of optimization of the network, EGLD is used as an efficient and fast transfer of value, as a payment method through integration with specific e-commerce companies, as a voting system specific to blockchain networks and many others.
Through its multiple applicability, the MultiversX Ecosystem has an important role in financing new crypto projects (XLaunchpad), in facilitating access to already launched, small and medium projects (xExchange) but also in increasing the adoption of NFTs and the development of specific blockchain applications (xFabric MultiverseX).
XLaunchpad, the MultiversX launchpad
It is a tool within the MultiversX ecosystem used to launch new projects on the MultiversX blockchain. The application allows project teams to connect with the MultiversX community and launch their projects in an organized and efficient way and at the same time, it allows users to invest in new projects through the EGLD token.
In general, Launchpads are an alternative financing method for crypto projects, similar to crowdfunding in the sphere of classic startups.
MultiversX price (EGLD)
Analyzing risks and profit potential are essential in any investment, including in the case of MultiversX crypto. The increase in demand for EGLD cryptocurrency traded outside the stock market, offers investors the opportunity to trade calculated and take advantage of price fluctuations in order to obtain an advantageous price for trading and buying EGLD.
What determines the price fluctuations of the MultiversX cryptocurrency?
Price fluctuations are influenced by several factors:
- Demand and supply - MultiversX cryptocurrency
And in the case of cryptocurrencies, the rules of the free market govern the price, so the effect of supply and demand on the price is real. In the case of EGLD, the offer is limited to a number of units in circulation, similar to most crypto projects.
At the same time, demand is influenced by factors such as media attention, the state of the global economy and financial regulations.
- Popularity and media attention for the MultiversX cryptocurrency
The popularity and attention that the MultiversX cryptocurrency generates can greatly influence the price, the community being an important factor in the life of a crypto project. Sometimes, simple curiosity about a certain currency can attract major investments from investors. In the case of EGLD, an element that is important to take into account is the multitude of applications in its own ecosystem, so that any significant evolution or interconnection with the optimization role can positively affect the opinion and interest of investors.
At the same time, the price is influenced by announcements from state authorities and companies in the field.
The FOMO effect (Fear of missing out) is real in the crypto market and to counteract or avoid it, we recommend you to actively inform yourself and try to constantly understand the real factors that can dictate the price of the MultiversX cryptocurrency.
- EGLD economy and ecosystem
The economic risks of the states are another aspect that can lead to an increase in the price of the MultiversX cryptocurrency. In particular, in countries with high inflation, the population is turning its attention to new methods of protecting money, a fact that can influence the value of cryptocurrencies, including EGLD.
- The integrations and evolution of the project
The rate of crypto adoption in general influences the evolution of prices and has a direct effect on the total capitalization of digital assets.
The same concept applied to a currency (e.g. the adoption of the token/blockchain by a company), can generate important increases for it, thus having a higher return compared to the market average or other projects in the crypto sphere. Similarly, a positive course of the project and a constant evolution, can attract positive effects both in the community developed by the project and in the price of the token.
Advantages of Multiversx cryptocurrency (EGLD)
MultiversX sustainability
MultiversX is supported by a Proof-of-Stake protocol, which allows it to consume much less electricity to power the ecosystem, compared to coins that use the Proof-of-Work protocol.
Applicability of MultiversX
EGLD cryptocurrency is used throughout the MultiversX network, including for transactions, validation rewards, governance and smart contracts.
MultiversX Scalability
The MultiversX cryptocurrency solves blockchain scalability issues using a technique called "sharding", which allows for linear scaling as the network grows.
MultiversX Security
The MultiversX token (EGLD) is one of the most decentralized blockchain architectures in the world and shares its security tasks between approximately 3200 independent nodes, distributed globally.
MultiversX (EGLD) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What blockchain does EGLD cryptocurrency use?
MultiversX uses Adaptive State Sharding, which combines three sharding methods (network sharding, transaction sharding and state sharding) in a complex system of high-performance networks.
How do I mine EGLD cryptocurrency?
It cannot be mined because it uses the proof-of-stake protocol .
What is the limit of units in the case of EGLD cryptocurrency?
About 31 million units.
What is the highest MultiversX price in EUR?
The highest MultiversX price was recorded at EUR 436.
How can I buy MultiversX at the best price?
The fastest and most advantageous way to buy MultiversX is on the platform at the live MultiversX price (EGLD) displayed in the Tradesilvania user account 24/7.
What is the price of MultiversX today?
The MultiversX price varies several times per second in the platform and the instant price is available in the user account. Daily purchase limit (EGLD Limit Order type is 1,000,000 EUR/transaction).
How do I buy MultiversX (EGLD)?
You can buy MultiversX (EGLD) cryptocurrencies through multiple Tradesilvania order types using Lei, Euro or USDT.
- Create an account on the Tradesilvania platform simply in a few minutes
The first step to use the platform is to create an account. After confirming the account, you must go through an activation process.
2. Deposit in RON or EURO
You can deposit RON or EURO in your digital wallet via bank transfer, Visa/Mastercard payment, or cash at SelfPay points or Un-doi Payment Center.
3. Buy MultiversX (EGLD)
To buy MultiversX you must access the Trading section of the application, the available parities being RON, EUR and USDT.
After you place an order, in most cases it is completed instantly. Note: The price of MultiversX varies over time.
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Buy EGLD nowWhat is the price of MultiversX (Elrond)?
Buy 1 MultiversX (Elrond) for a price of 17.66 EUR for today exchange rate of EGLD - EUR only on Tradesilvania platform.
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How to buy EGLD
Our platform allows you to fund your account with EUR and RON instantly and with low costs. Use the IBAN transfer for a top-up with 0% commission.
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