Dai price (DAI price live) - Dai price today

0.9139 EUR (0% )
The displayed price is informative and does not represent the trading price.

Rank 25

Market cap

4.95B EUR

Circulating Supply

5.37B DAI

Max Supply

5.37B DAI

Dai price graph for the last 24 hours show the price Dai crypto token variation (DAI) on global spot market. Buy Dai in your user account instantly with EUR at the best exchange rate.

Dai price evolution (DAI) - 1 month

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Real time information about Dai Price

Dai price (DAI) today growth with 0% and exchange rate 1 DAI = 0.9139 EUR. Dai trading volume in the last 24 hours of 69.15M EUR. Dai price variation in the last 24 hours was 0% and Dai total market capitalization is 4.95B EUR. DAI price in EUR is updated in real time in Tradesilvania account.

DAI price history

Dai price history table ( today , 1 day, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days ) with percent (%) growth DAI.

Dai priceDAI exchange rateDAI volume
Today0.9489 EUR268.51M
1 day0.9507 EUR189.70M
7 days0.9595 EUR488.62M
30 days0.9446 EUR234.36M

Thanks to the technological development of recent years, money can constitute digital goods traded online, much faster than traditional methods. One of these decentralized methods is the Dai Ecosystem (DAI). It is one of the most well-known stable cryptocurrencies (stablecoin) and continues to generate attention from investors. However, before investing in Dai, the factors that determine the value of the stablecoin must be analyzed. For additional information about the origin and use of Dai, you can access the "About Dai cryptocurrency" page.

As in the case of traditional investments, an overview of the assets must be formed. With an overview of the cryptocurrency Dai (DAI), investors can trade calculatedly and take advantage of the applicability of the cryptocurrency DAI in the crypto ecosystem.

Stablecoins are valuable because they offer investors an efficient financial tool to avoid the volatility of cryptocurrency markets. By moving funds into DAI, an investor can reduce his risk of exposure to a sudden drop in the crypto market. In addition, unlike the US dollar, DAI eliminates the high costs and delays that affect the execution of transactions on the crypto market.

The DAI cryptocurrency also offers access to a decentralized ecosystem that allows loans and participation in the entire crypto space through a stable digital asset.

There is an important factor that investors in Dai (DAI) must remember. Although the price is linked to the US dollar, it can fluctuate in rare situations, in which confidence in the Maker Protocol and in the project's ability to support the value of the stable currency is affected.

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What is the price of Dai?

Buy 1 Dai for a price of 0.9139 EUR for today exchange rate of DAI - EUR only on Tradesilvania platform.

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DAI price last update: 03/09/2025, 15:59

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How to buy DAI

Our platform allows you to fund your account with EUR and RON instantly and with low costs. Use the IBAN transfer for a top-up with 0% commission.

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